Nick lived in Atlanta and moved to Chicago for school.

Mark grew up in Chicago and moved to Atlanta for school.

Then they met and created a book. Now you’re reading it.

Hire us, we'll keep filling it with things.


Ogilvy | ACD | 2019 - Present

Jimmy Dean, Modelo, Tyson, City of Chicago, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, Hillshire Farm, Glade, Raid, and Morton Salt.

EnergyBBDO | Copywriter / Art Director | 2015 - 2019

The Incredible Egg, Wrigley Gum, Windex, Ziploc, Alka-Seltzer, Aleve, One-A-Day, Claritin, Kerrygold

mcgarrybowen | Jr. Copywriter / Jr. Art Director | 2014 - 2015

Kraft, Disney, Marriott, Triscuit, Miracle Whip, Lunchables, Capri Sun, Kool Aid, Mondelez, Fig Newton


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